Hormones play a big role in dating. There is a type of chemical produced by almost every living thing called pheromones. It is a very interesting topic to research. It is a very recent discovery and there is so much we don’t know about pheromones in the human world. But I overheard that in a recent discovery that birth control can alter the pheromones of females, thus disturbing their dating. It makes sense that pheromones is a possible reason that females living together develop the same monthly cycle. It is said that the pheromones are possibly secreted with a woman’s sweat. Normally women are going to be attracted to the scent of a genetically compatible mate. However recent research has shown that some birth control alters the scents that women are attracted to. Resulting in a less than ideal genetic match. My spin on that is that all of my poor dating decisions were made while I was on birth control for medical purposes. (I will expound upon that later.) To avoid possible bad consequences, please avoid dating while on hormone altering birth control. The hormones for Motherhood is Shushed.
Hormones affect one’s daily attitudes. Hormones put in our food can sometimes cause early puberty. Hormones in our diet can also cause some hormonal ups and downs in any one’s day whether they are adolescent or not. You are probably sick of hearing about your eating habits, but bare with me a little bit longer. One really does not want to realize how much diet affects mood swings, but face it, it does. Unknown blood sugar levels can and will interfere with social lives in many young and old, men or women. Be aware of your eating habits, know what will make your sugar levels spike or fall, then try to make a balance. You can have dips in blood sugar levels without having Diabetes or Hypoglycemia. Those unseen levels are the hard levels to trace with blood sugar testing machines. A lack of Vitamins from over-processed food and a lack of minerals from overly cleaned water may cause many health issues. Your joints can hurt if you have a lack of magnesium. Your eye can twitch from a lack of magnesium. Well water has some of the minerals that your body needs, but if you live in the city, you might not have easy access to a good health. Watch what you eat and drink and look out for the things that are missing from your overall diet. Although one feels the swings of sugars, proteins, and Vitamins, one still will have no excuse for the trials of social problems if you learn all about your body and how your health can affect your life.
Not only can hormones affect our over all health, but so can pH levels. The human body generates pH imbalances just like fish tanks, gardens, and crop fields. One’s daily nutrition can affect the pH levels in the body as well. If you’ve heard of the phrase “women are like crock-pots and men are like microwaves”, then you’ll understand that a woman’s vagina and uterus can also be likened to a modern bread machine. It not only nourishes a baby, but it is the breeding ground for yeast and bacteria. Once the pH imbalance happens, then infections, here we come!
Young men and women need to know that not only diet, but also cleaning habits can affect health just the same. Clothes are a silent death when it comes to re-infections. Everyone is always talking about how underwear tends to affect the breathing habits of the breeding grounds. It is okay to wear pretty undies with cotton lining once in awhile. Problems occur when pure white cotton is not worn as much as possible. Parents must not chide their daughters for their yeast and bacteria health issues because these can happen very young and it does not necessarily connect her to having premarital relations. I remember on several occasions having bacteria in my uterus. My uterus and my stomach cavity felt as though it was going to explode. It is a very uncomfortable health problem and should be addressed quickly no matter what the age. Antibacterial foods should be added to your diet to help discourage bad bacteria.
Boys and girls should be encouraged in their young age to learn the proper practices of washing clothes to help them be better prepared for when they are on their own. Washing clothes can also have re-infection qualities of the breeding ground. If you wash garments (underwear, shorts or jeans worn without underwear) in cold water, then the yeast and or bacteria stays and grows healthier. Also, if you wash your clothes in HOT water, then the detergent, bleach, alternative bleach, tea tree oils and other herbal fighting cleansers have a chance to kill out what the cold water misses. Sometimes a woman’s body can be allergic to the detergent she uses. A yeast infection can occur even from a detergent used out of the ordinary. It is normal to constantly fight imbalances in a female’s body. Men have pH imbalances, yeast and bacteria problems also, but theirs are less noticeable.